Know Your Rights

Knowledge is power. However, knowledge isn’t always the easiest to access, especially when you’re facing multiple barriers. This page is intended to be a source of information and connection to other organizations that can support our athletes, their families and our PCFC community.

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Roundtable discussion

Our Executive Director and Program Director sat down with ACLU, Latino Network and other community partners to have an informative discussion about all of our civil rights and how to protect them. The creation of this video is intended to be just one resource that our families will have access to for educational purposes. The video premiered at our annual Night of Champions 2020 Virtual Fundraiser. Thank you to Modify Content for donating hours of time to produce this beautiful video.


aclu oregon resources

Through our growing partnership with the local chapter we are able to provide important resources and support to our players and their families. The links below provide some basic information about the kinds of support ACLU Oregon can provide. If you are a PCFC member please contact us and we’ll help you get connected to the services you need.


Latino network resources

This local, culturally specific organization provides comprehensive and robust support to the immigrant population in Multnomah County. PCFC serves many different kinds of immigrant families and we are dedicated to being a part of their community of support.


northwest workers’ justice project

This local organization has provided individual support to PCFC families in need to information and assistance with workplace injustices since 2019.


CASH Oregon

CASH Oregon helps all people, regardless of background, to receive free tax support.